Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun Monday - Three Wishes

Bravo to our host Sayre for keeping Fun Monday going for the entire month of September. She closes the month with an intriguing assignment: What are our Three Wishes? If getting our heart's desires were as simple making wishes, what would they be?

I feel almost guilty rattling off these wishes because I do believe that anything worth having is worth putting in the effort and time to achieve it. But hey, this once Sayre is going to be our genie and we can have our wishes granted just like that! Here are mine:

Wish 1 -Health

In about two months I'll hit mid 60s which is beginning to sound rather old. But truthfully, I don't worry about longevity. I do, however, care a lot about quality of life--in mind, body, and spirit. So my first wish is that as I age my body doesn't betray me and weaken with infirmaties and disease. I hope my mind continues to work and that I'll always be interested in learning something new. Finally, I want to go into old age with a peaceful, loving and tolerant spirit--a live and let live attitude.

Wish 2 - World Travel

Second wish would be that I would have the health, freedom and financial resources to travel to foreign countries every year. I've been fortunate to have visited almost 20 other countries in my adult life--some like the West Indies and Ukraine staying long enough to understand the culture. There's so much more of the world I want to see--its lands, people and culture. Next summer I hope to tour Scandinavia and then in following years more of eastern Europe, Turkey and Greece and then on to Asia.

Wish 3 - Choral Music

Final wish would be to be a part of a great community choir. I sang in glee clubs and choruses in high school. I entered college determined to major in vocal music, studying voice and participating in college choirs. In college and into adulthood I always sang in Methodist church choirs, loving the great Protestant hymns. Those groups haven't been a part of my life for many years and I miss them. I'm sad to realize that I no longer have that clear, confident soprano voice any more. This summer I've been following a wonderful almost documentary-like program on BBC where a young choirmaster goes into working class schools and communities in England and recruits locals of all ages to sing together. Here's a sample of the South Oxhey Community Choir. Just look at the pride and joy on their faces as they sing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I'd like that experience again.

(Image credit:"Three Wishes" Ilfochrome Print by Loretta Lux)


And now a word about October Fun Mondays. I'll be hosting the full month. Check back here every Wednesday to sign up for the upcoming week. If you want to participate, just leave me a comment at any time and I'll get you on the list.

October 4 Topic: Favorite Family Photos--share one--or two--that has special meaning for you and tell us why.

And, it's never too early. Who wants to host for November?


  1. I like your post, Faye. I guess health is one of those things I take for granted and definitely shouldn't!

  2. Health is my number one, too! I've discovered that everything else is secondary if you're not healthy enough to enjoy or experience it!

    I believe Julie has volunteered to do November.

  3. oh bummer I was hoping to take November!

  4. That is a beautiful song and I love it. I try not to wish for things like health, maybe that will change as I get older.

  5. Faye, thank you for sharing this rendition of Hallelujah. The choir performs this beautifully. This is one of my favorite songs, and I will likely be playing this over and over today. Although not one of my top three, I have imagined myself as a golden-throated singer garnering applause.

    Also, I wish health and world travel for you too.

  6. Great post Faye, those are well grounded wishes. Health is also a big thing for enjoy my golden years and being able to do for myself becomes more n more important. I love that chorus and the song, I have it on my Ipod and listen to it just about everyday!

  7. I hope that these things will happen for youFaye. with your spirit, I'm sure they will.

    The lovely Gareth Malone is now on TV teaching reluctant boys to read. There is no end to his talents.

  8. I've begun to notice some things are no longer as easy as when I was younger. Here's to good health for us all!!
    I sang in the choir at school, but doubt if my voice would cope now.
    Thanks for hosting for October.

  9. Those are three very good wishes, Faye! Health would have been on my wish list too! I am going to do my best to play FM next week!
