Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday - Hawks in the 'Burbs

Last January I was just pulling in the driveway when these two beauties lit in a tree in my suburban backyard.  They very obligingly stayed around long enough for me to run inside to grab a camera.  So exciting--first hawks I've seen this close to home and first photos of them.  Wasn't sure whether they were sharp shinned or Cooper's, but thought sharpies based on the squared off tails.  A birder friend confirmed that ID.  Are we right?

Here are a couple more views:

And then a little serendipity--I'm always on the lookout for feathers when out walking and have found some interesting ones.  But nothing to compare with this big hawk feather that I spotted in the front yard not long after getting these photos of the real thing.

Again, I'm not sure if this feather belonged to a sharpie or Cooper--what do you think?

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday .


  1. I'm not sure about the ID, but I'm jealous of your sighting! I'd love to have hawks that close!

  2. Wow, cool seeing the two hawks together. I am not sure, I have to go by their size and the legs. Great shots!

  3. i think they're red-shoulders. :)

  4. Oh they are wonderful - I've rarely had a hawk sit still long enough for photos - let along to run and get a camera. Fabulous shots!!!!!!!

  5. They're very handsome birds!

  6. Great photos of the Hawks. They are especially beautiful against the blue sky.

  7. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog too. Your world looks rather different from mine - but just as beautiful!

  8. How lucky to get those shots! And you got a souvenir to boot!
