Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Best of 2013 Photography - May, June & July

I'm a bit behind with spotlighting favorite photos/subjects from 2013. So, today I'll share my picks for May, June, and July:


In May I became interested in photographing the many beautiful historical churches in Louisville so that I could participate in the weekly InSPIREd Sunday meme where we share interesting churches and other places of worship.

It happens that many of Louisville's historic churches are Episcopalian.  As I went around town taking photos of them, noticed that they all had red doors from the grandest cathedrals to the simplest stone churches.  Learned that the Episcopalian red doors symbolize many things, but primarily sanctuary and the Blood of Christ and His sacrifice.  This great example is Advent Episcopal in the Highlands of Louisville:

~click on images to enlarge~


For June I'll go back to one of my favorite spots for photographs -- Beargrass Creek from the Belnap Bridge in Cherokee Park.  In particular, I love getting shots of this wonderfully gnarled old tree in all seasons and times of the day.  Here a touch of pure summer fun with the inner tube swing hanging out over the creek.  BTW, this is my reminder to you that summer will return, although you may not think so in the frigid cold of this week!

July was not the greatest month for photography here at Summit Court.  First, it was the start of several months of ongoing problems with internet/DSL and my computer's performance which kept me from blogging on a regular basis.  In addition, it was a time when I was dealing with serious health and caregiving issues for my elderly family members.  On the positive, however, it was about this time that I started getting interested in attracting birds to the yard and trying to ID them.  So, I chose this collage of Chet in his favorite spot--lying by the front door and peering out at the birds.  He has taken a very laid back stance on his Roommate's new obsession with birds!
Picks for August - December still to come!  Am finding that going back though photo archives is a great way to see what happened in 2013.  You?


  1. Love those red doors! Nice color contrast. I think Chet knows the birds aren't his nemesis.

  2. From your FB post/questions on July 5: I use Awesome template by Blogger --so don't know what differences there might be when compared to the Simple template...

    BUT--here's what I do: Go to the top extreme right corner of your blog and click on DESIGN. Then click on LAYOUT.

    Then I go to my header and click EDIT. I delete that photo and upload another one from my picture file...

    To expand your margins (at least in my template), I go back to the page where I clicked on Layout before. This time I click on TEMPLATE. Then I click on CUSTOMIZE.Then I click on ADJUST WIDTHS---and play around with it 'til I get it where I want it...

    Hope this works for you too.
