Best All Around Christmas Card -- received this greeting from John, a long-time friend from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the U.K. We met over 30 years ago while on a youthful mission to "save the world" on a small island in the West
Best Kid Photo --would it be safe to call these three the Bling Sisters? I think they pretty much prove that it's impossible to over-accessorize during the holidays--sequins, beads, rose corsage
Best Family Newsletter -- who could not give best newletter award to the family celebrating "The year of the chicken(suit)" in '08? The reporter/editor is a trainer who understands how important it is to grab your reader's attention right away by engaging them in an activity like the opening quiz. Never mind that she's trying to weasel out of getting blamed for not sending greetings in '06. She does score points by laying production difficulties off on dealing with 2 and 1/2 year old Emily's representatives, since a lot of the newsletter centers on the tot's activities and accomplishments. Which, by the way, was more interesting to read than much of People Magazine!
Most Insincere Card -- has to go to this shifty eyed, fake grinning pooch. "Too bad I can't read. . ." my hiney! Something tells me he's smart enough to scarf
Like many of you, I keep a Fridge Blog with interesting postcards, pictures, articles, artwork, etc. that makes me happy to see on a daily basis. Right now the Fridge Blog is filled with these wonderful holiday messages from friends and family. Every time I get in the fridge--which is a lot--I'm reminded of how lucky I am to know these cool people. I hope you've got Christmas mail also.
those are great--particularly the dog.
our best card so far this year: a glittering, metallic ho-ho-ho that we can hang on the tree.
we are waiting for the annual christmas letter from one of doug's relatives, though; it's entertaining in a way they might not appreciate if they knew.... we like to do dramatic readings of it. i'll say no more lest i get struck by a lightning bolt.
LOL the cool shades and pacifier! Now I know why I thought you were living in Newcastle (because you have a friend there) because I read this posting the other day, and didn't leave a comment at the time, so must have absorbed this information subconsciously! Great stylish card. People always think it's a bit backward there, being in the North of England, but it isn't some great shops, where you can obtain cards like these.
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