About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

At Seventy

(Our host for this week's Fun Monday, planet of janet , broke the news last week that Hollywood has come calling. They want to make movies of our life stories. But first we need to provide a brief synopsis of this film and cast of the principal players to use in pitching the project. Here's how I'd like my movie to play out.)

Piece of cake was my immediate reaction on reading Janet's challenge. My inspiration would be the great poet, novelist and chronicler of everyday life May Sarton. On her 70th birthday Sarton wrote: What is it like to be seventy? If someone else had lived so long and could remember things sixty years ago with great clarity, she would seem very old to me. But I do not feel old at all, not as much a survivor as a person still on her way. I suppose real old age begins when one looks backward rather than forward, but I look forward with joy to the years ahead and especially to
the surprises that any day may bring.

With these wise words Sarton began At Seventy A Journal recording the daily tapestry of her 70th year. Her journal for that year will be the research background for the movie of my life story.

Film Synopsis/Location
My story begins in November, the month I turn 70. I am finally living the life I was meant to, earning a living by my writings. Each day has its own rhythm of work and pleasure. I live independently out in the country within comfortable distance of several good neighbors. My house is old, but sturdily built. I share my home with a much loved dog who provides companionship and laughter for my solitary--by choice on most days--lifestyle.

For many years I have been building a garden which provides great pleasure and ongoing challenges to maintain it. I am lucky to have the health to keep up the garden with some occasional assistance. Today, there are the last spring bulbs to plant before the weather turns any colder.

This film will chronicle my daily living. Most days follow a pattern. Early in the morning I write before coming downstairs. Then, I tend to the round of daily chores and business. There is always something to do in the garden. In the afternoon, I read or drive into town to do errands and meet friends for some needed conversation and entertainment. Evenings are quiet for the most part--walks with the dog, dinner, a little TV, and perhaps some more writing. At certain times of the year I must travel to promote my work. I leave home reluctantly and return eagerly.

Cast of Characters
Faye --Judi Dench
Stunt Dog --probably an adult Golden Retriever
Long-time Friends--Tom Skerritt and Joanne Woodward
Neighbor/Gardener/Handyman--Colin Firth (the casting director challenged me on this one, but I stuck to my guns--scroll down to picture in previous post to see why. . .grin)

Director and Musical Score
Clint Eastwood

Well, thanks Janet for giving us a chance to script our life's movie. The chances are pretty good this is not the way mine will play out based on where I am now and the time that's left before hitting 70. However, maybe we can find a little movie magic to get there. . .

Now head on over to planet of Janet to check out other Fun Monday participants' life movies.


laurie said...

this made me smile, and when i got to colin firth i grinned!

you and i want the same life, at 70.

Kim said...

It made me smile, too, Faye. What a lovely way to live. I hope you find yourself there in a few years.

the rotten correspondent said...

I want to be there with you. Okay?

I'll even promise to let you have Colin all to yourself. (although that will not be easy).

Ingrid said...

I think a little murder in your garden is missing, lol ! Just for Miss Marple !

Peter said...

Very well mused Faye.

Attie said...

OOHH I love yours!!! And Mine is the real deal I couldn't write it any other way!!

Lane Mathias said...

That sounds like a great life at any age! I like it.

(could Cesar have a small walk on part too, maybe to congratulate you on Willie being such a fine example? Just so we can see him smile:-)

Hootin Anni said...

Judy Dench!!! Cool. And to live a solitary lifestyle would be ideal for me too....along with your golden retriever choice. I like it. [oh but way, my golden retriever would be a houseful of cats purring. LOL]

Sayre said...

SO you shall be a grand dame! What a lovely movie - I like that you set it in your future rather than in your past.

Patience-please said...

I missed signing up for Fun Monday. Your movie is wonderful and I would love to see it! I would be too busy with Clint to bother with Colin, though...

all the best-

Sauntering Soul said...

What a lovely life you have to look forward to! I wouldn't mind this sort of lifestyle now at 39.

Jenni said...

Dame Judi has her eye on the gardener, eh? That's not a bad goal for 70. Thank you for keeping Clint Eastwood's butt behind the camera instead of in front of it.

Sandy said...

I can't hardly wait for 70 now! Terrific job!

Karmyn R said...

Oh - I wouldn't mind having Mr. Darcy as my gardener. Oh yes - I'm a huge fan!

Dreaming Waht ifs...

the planet of janet said...

i'm right there with you, hon! sounds like a wonderful life ahead.

thanks for playing this week!

Mariposa said...

I'm sure this will be one of those feel good movies...at least for me.

Karina said...

I like it a lot. It's a feel good movie (especially with Collin Firth in it). ;-)

Irish Coffeehouse said...

What a great movie line, and opening! I love it. :)

Thanks for sharing!

Gay, Married, with Cat said...

Such a beautiful garden; you truly have a green thumb!

I think Judi Dench is an inspired choice. You should have your agent call her agent. :-)

Kaytabug said...

Oh wow this had me smiling the whole time I was reading. It just sounds lovely!

Swampwitch said...

Oh you people who follow the rules ! But, thank goodness for you.
Enjoyed this very much.
I do plan to follow the rules for the next Fun Monday.

Karen said...

I wouldn't be too bothered about the rest of my cast, but Colin Firth would have to be shoe-horned in there somewhere!