In the waiting room I get finished with paperwork in a hurry and pass the time surreptitiously studying the other patients. There's the man who's sitting close to the door--he gets points for accompanying his significant woman to this appointment. There's another woman at the counter who has received the dreaded "We've found something suspicious in your X-ray, please come back" call. There's the elderly and confused woman who should have had someone with her to help navigate. There's a middle-aged woman who, like me, is just quietly observing. I try to figure out her story. There's even another man there who's obviously a patient, not just the moral support for a woman. And then there's me, hoping that my luck still holds.
When my turn comes, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the standard examination gown is much improved. It's well worn cotton, not paper. And most importantly it's a smock not a gown. This is a big deal for us who don't have enough on top to be concerned about exposure, but have plenty on the bottom to supervise and keep decently covered. The machines have also been upgraded--they're fast and accurate the first time around and don't pinch if you remember to stand tall.
I always opt for an exam while I'm being harassed. In for a dime. In for a dollar. I walk in the examination room and the doctor is studying the X-rays of my girls. She's smiling broadly and says "these are pictures of totally healthy breasts. I wish they were all this clean cut." I ask some wiseacre question about what medical journal will I be seeing them in as a no cancer zone. The doctor hands me my results with the magic "Normal/Negative. No evidence of cancer." box checked. I leave the office in a celebratory mood--off to the mall to buy new make-up and the latest Jon Katz dog book, Izzy & Lenore--Two Dogs, an Unexpected Journey, and Me. It's a happy--and relieved--day. Have you given yourself this same gift in '08?
(By the way, the images above aren't actually of my girls, although mine did look as good as the one on the left. The image on the left is an example of a normal digital mammogram that can be read on a computer monitor. The one on the right is traditional X-ray film. No question as to which one is preferable, right? That is, if your place offers a choice. )
Yay for your girls:-) I'm glad you had a little retail therapy after the good news. I'm impressed that screening is every year in the us. I think it's every three years here which seems dangerously long.
The difference between the two images is incredible. And there was me thinking that was your clean bill of health for all of us to cheer:-)
Happy for you!
And yes, I always gift myself with make-up, sometimes I don't get to use them all...but I love the feeling of buying them for myself!
nothing better than a clean bill of health!
and i liked that jon katz book. he has a nice touch.
Ari--yes, good that it's over for the year and that there's no signs of cancer.
lane--every three years? So much time for trouble to take hold. Guess that's just one more reason to be concerned that there's no such thing as a perfect health care delivery system. Re images--only wish my girls were that "pert"!
mariposa--when someone loves butterflies as you do, I'm not surprised that you love the "transforming" qualitlies of makeup as well.
laurie--I'm a Jon Katze fan for many reasons also. Who could resist someone willing to take on the training of the wonderfully crazy, but damaged, border collie Orson? I respect Katz for some of the hard decisions he makes in living with and loving dogs, like recognizing that sometimes re-homing a dog is the best for all concerned. I'm loving the territory he's covering in "Izzy and Lenore"--hospice and pure puppy love. Let alone what he's revealing about his own struggles with depression.
Congratulations - both for the outcome and the good senses for got for the .exam
YEAH! It's always a relief to walk out from the doctor's office knowing you have a "clean bill of health". Enjoy your new book.
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