About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fun Monday Signup--May 11

Fun Monday Signup
May 11
Your Thoughts on Gardening

"We have all been taught that life begins in the garden."
First a Garden
by Jon Carloftis

As a writer, the thing that I enjoy most about Fun Mondays is the challenge of writing a post about a topic that one of the other Fun Monday participants throws out to us. Many times I sign up thinking that I know nothing, or have no interest in, the topic that the host for the week sets for us. However, in my experience, there's always a link to the topic--a story, memory, or opinion that deserves to be shared.

So, as your host for the upcoming Fun Monday, I'm asking you to think about gardening. Do you consider yourself a gardener? Or, just the lawn keeper? When you think of your home, is it important that there are growing and flowering plants in your home landscape? Regardless of where you live--from a city apartment to a farm--do you need to grow something, even if it's a pot of geraniums on the patio? Do you grow your own food or have childhood memories of helping parents or grandparents grow a vegetable garden? Do you look forward to Saturday morning expeditions to local farmer's markets to buy the first strawberries or asparagus of the season and talk with the local farmers? Are there public gardens that you love to visit? What do you learn from them? Do you think it's important to teach your children and grandchldren about growing beautiful vegetables and flowers?

Tell us your gardening stories. And share some photos of your garden, or one you admire. If you want to participate, just leave me your name and web address in a comment. On Sunday I'll provide an updated list with links. Here's the list of garden writers--or wanna bes--so far:

(Who would like to volunteer to host for May 18th? You'll be glad you did!)

1. Faye
2. Sayre
3. Gattina
4. M(the Misanthrope)
5. Jan
6. Karisma
7. Janis
8. Lil Mouse
9. Troll Y2K
10. Grace
11. Peter
12. Church Lady
13. Mariposa (also host for May 18--thanks volunteer!)
14. Ari_1965
15. Pamela
16. You're next!

Thanks all for signing to do a little digging and planting in the garden this week. I'll get the links up after watching the finale of Amazing Race tonight(although most contestants have behaved so badly not sure any deserve to win. . .). All will be ready for the early Monday morning bloggers and those of us who start a little later in the day!


Jan said...

Faye, I'm in. Thanks for hosting, you're the best.


karisma said...

Count me in! I lurrrrvvvveee my garden! Faeries and all! LOL!

Jan n Jer said...

Great topic Faye, perfect timing for this time of year. Count me in and thanks for hosting.

Jill said...

sounds good http://lilmouse.blogsite.org

h said...

I have an idea for a post, so I'm in if I can find time.


m (the misanthrope) said...

Hello my friend! I already signed up but I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to Willie's Mom, from the Cat and Bird Mom! (I'm acknowledging ALL fabulous women this weekend. I've decided.) :-)

gracie said...

Interesting...sign me up

Peter said...

Sign me up please Faye.

Living Life said...

Hello Faye! I would love to play.

Mariposa said...

Count me in...pretty please?! ;)

I'm a sucker for gardens...LOL

Mariposa said...


Happy Mother's Day!

If you got no volunteer for next week yet, I can do it. :)

Ari_1965 said...

Please sign me up. Thank you.

Pamela said...

Plant me in!!!!

Janice said...

Faye, is that pic from your yard 'way back when? I remember right after you did that landscaping. I barely knew ye then, but Mary Ann dropped by for some reason and I was in the car. I remember thinking how beautiful that space was under your tree. The plants weren't this full yet, but I knew they would be some day.

How I'd love spaces like this--if only I didn't have to be outdoors (or RICH!) to accomplish it.

Swampwitch said...

I want to play Mon Funday, but I will tell you now, I don't have a post pertaining to your topic ready. I will try to do something along those lines, but par for the course, I'll break the rules if you'll let me.

Swampwitch said...

But my site is:


Because there's no anonymous comments allowed here, I have to sign in with my old blog.


Ingrid said...

My garden is ready to be visited !