About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun Monday Sign-up - August 24

Fun Monday Topic: Back to School
Date: August 24

Last Thursday the big yellow school buses hit the road, picking up students from all over the county for the first day of school. Those students ranged from scared and excited kindergartners to sophisticated high schoolers. However, I'm sure they all shared the same feelings: excitement at meeting old and new friends, concerns about liking and getting along with new teachers, were they dressed "right", and would they fit in this year? Some may even be thinking about what they'd be learning this year--would they like their subjects and could they do the work?

How about you? Do you also get that "Back to School" feeling even though you're all grown up? As your host for this week's Fun Monday, and incurable student myself, I'm asking you to share your thoughts on lifelong learning:

--Do you still think of yourself as a student? A lifelong learner?

--If so, what would you like to learn? Something job related to improve your work performance? Technology skills to keep up with the modern times? Personal financial management skills? Stress management strategies? Playing bridge? Belly dancing? Writing? Better blogging? Speaking another language? Car maintenance? DIY home improvements? You get the idea--the list of learning options for adults is endless.

--Are you currently taking a class or online study? What is this experience like? What are you learning?

--If not actually in a class, how do you learn something new? Tutorials on computer or TV? How to books? One on one with an instructor or coach? Practice on your own?

If you want to participate in the "Back to School" edition of Fun Monday--and I hope you do--just leave your name and web address in a comment. On Sunday evening I'll provide an updated list of participants with links. The following eager learners have already agreed to play:

1. Janis (and our host for August 31--muwah!)
2. Karisma
3. M(the misanthrope) aka Margaret
4. ChrisB
5. Debs (first time player)
6. Hulagirlatheart
7. Stephanie, Mama Drama
8. Bobbie Leigh
9. Sayre
10. Jo, Chocolate and Other Things
11. Michelle, Evan's Mom from Mama Drama
12. IamwhoIam
13. Gattina
14. Mommy Wizdom
15. Swampy
16. Church Lady
17. Jill, Lil Mouse
18. Grace
19. Mariposa
20. Sandy
21. Ari_1965
22. Hootin'Anni

Also, who would like to host on August 31? You would? That's wonderful!


    Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

    I'd love to join in.


    Hula Girl at Heart said...

    Okay, I'm in. Thanks for the invite.

    Stephanie mama drama said...

    Howdy!! What a unique topic! I'm happy to play!

    Unknown said...

    I'm in!

    Sayre said...

    Great topic! I'm always amazed how, after all these years, people still come up with something new! Count me in.


    SwampAngel65 said...

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and inviting me, but I will be on a plane coming back from PA on Monday, so it looks like I will be out of it this week. It sounds like a fun topic, though, and I look forward to reading what everyone has to say.

    Jo said...

    I love back to school anything. I'll join in.

    Michelle said...

    Thanks for your comment today. Sure, I'll play. Now I have to think of something...

    Michelle, aka Evan's Mom from Mama Drama: http://blogs.chron.com/mamadrama

    IamwhoIam said...

    Can I play

    IamwhoIam said...

    Can I play

    Ingrid said...

    I erased the word "school" out of my vocabulary, lol ! but I am still learning, everyday, so count me in.

    MommyW said...

    Great twist - I'm IN! Thanks for the invitation!



    Living Life said...

    Hello Faye! Thanks for the reminder! I would most certainly love to participate in FM this week. Sounds like a great topic.

    Swampwitch said...

    I'm in ! This is the FIRST Mon Funday I've had a chance to participate in for a VERY long time and I LOVE the topic.

    Swampwitch said...

    Oops !


    That's my link ! You know what it is. BUT, I always follow the rules and do what I'm told.

    Swampwitch said...

    Never siad I cuold spel...


    Jill said...

    I tried to elicit players too, not sure it worked too well, but hey, it happens. Summer's almost over and everyone will be snowbound. Wait, maybe not. Anyway, count me in. Surely I'll find something to write about...

    gracie said...

    I'm in, thanks for hosting grace

    Mariposa said...

    Sign me up!

    LOVE this topic... ;)

    Sandy said...

    Sorry this is so late, but I'd love to play. Thanks.

    Ari_1965 said...

    I'll play this week, Faye.


    Hootin Anni said...

    I'll post about LEARNING....we took a self guided tour the other day.

    Learned a lot.

    And I'll share. So, count me in.

    Jan n Jer said...

    Hi Faye, I already signed up for FM tomorrow, but I will take the reins for next week and host on Aug 31. Spread the word! Thanx :~)