About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where To, Sir?

Changing places with any character from a film, who would it be and why, is the September 28th Fun Monday assignment set by our host, Ari_1965 over at Beyond My Slab . Well Ari, this is an easy one. I'd love to be Samantha (Sam)Stewart, Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle's driver in the BBC's World War II crime drama Foyle's War. Foyle's War is set in Hastings on the southeast coast of England from 1940-45. Hastings is far from London, but not from the war. The people of Hastings are very caught up in the war effort. Young men have been called up to fight, older men make up the home guard and firefighters. Both men and women work in the munitions factories and military installations providing the resources needed by English soldiers to fight the war. Around Hastings women worked the farms, many as "land girls", keeping the farms going while the men are away fighting and growing much needed food for both civilians and soldiers.

Sam Stewart (played by Honeysuckle Weeks) is a vicar's daughter who began serving the war effort in the Mechanized Transport Corps of the Women's Royal Army Corps. She was transferred from the MTC to be a driver for DCS Foyle (played by Michael Kitchen). The other member of the team is Sergeant James Milner (played by Anthony Howell), himself a wounded soldier who was sent home when he lost a leg. DCS Foyle recruited Sergeant Milner while he was still in the hospital recovering physically and mentally from his wounds. The three of them formed an unlikely team fighting the everyday crimes of a small English town. In addition to murder and thievery, the war caused people to turn to crimes of profiteering and aiding the enemy. Here's a brief look at DCS Foyle in action:

You can see from the video that DCS Foyle is played by Michael Kitchen as a very old school detective. He observes and listens, not missing much of what people are trying to hide from him. He plays by the book and is not that impressed with either the civilian or military powers that be whom he encounters in solving crimes. He understands people, both their motivations and actions. Kitchen plays Foyle in a very understated style. I've recently re-watched the whole series and found myself really studying Foyle's eyes and body language. They reveal his opinion of the person with whom he's talking. Sergeant Milner is a younger version of Foyle.

Sam Stewart is totally unlike Foyle. She is physically awkward, but totally open, friendly and talkative. She is also very curious which earns her the occasional caution from Foyle that police business is not to be discussed. She is very concerned that she does enough for the war effort. As their relationship progresses, Foyle realizes that Sam's qualities can be put to good use in solving crimes. People open up to Sam and let down their guard. Foyle has some fatherly feelings for Sam, especially when he realizes that Sam's vicar father does not approve of her police work. Foyle also has a handsome air force flyer son who is romantically involved with Sam for a time. The most Foyle ever says to Sam of a personal nature is to ask: "Are you all right? Not very talkative today." That is Sam's cue to unload whatever is on her mind--opinions about people or cases, boy troubles even if the boy is Foyle's son!

Sam Stewart may not be the most glamorous character to want to change places with, but there's a lot to love about her life. Living in beautiful southern England, even if at war. Having a job that is valuable to the people around you. But mostly getting to work with someone whom you really admire and respect for a boss. I would put only about three of my former bosses in that category. Now be sure to check out other Fun Monday dream characters. I think we'll all be surprised at each other's choices.

(Photo credit: www.anthonyhorowitz.com. For fans of Foyle's War, you may be pleased to know that a new series, Foyle's Peace, was filmed in 2009--released in 2010. Wonderful news!)


Patience-please said...

Oh that's a great one, Faye! fun to take a trip through your imaginings.


Jan n Jer said...

This Sam Character sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing your interest with us. Happy FM Faye

Kim said...

I think Sam Stewart would lead a quite interesting life. Good choice!

karisma said...

Sounds like a good strong character to me! And an interesting story too. I will have to read that one. I have been enjoying a quite a few books based on that time and have been enjoying them all.

Im not playing this week but if you have time to drop by, I am asking for some opinions on a piece of writing my daughters friend posted.

Have a great week. Hugs and smoochies xxxxxx

Peter said...

I can see you in that role quite easily in my minds eye.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Cool character analysis! What an interesting lady (you AND your chosen character, of course) ;-) I didn't get a chance to check out the video but will do so ASAP!

wendishness said...

I've never watched the show but I know people who are great fans of it and rave about it. Great choice and an interesting character to swap with.

Ingrid said...

I don't know this character but I know Hastings very well from my holidays in Eastbourne, it's just around the corner and a beautiful little town. I didn't know that it was so much involved in the war.
I also choose a detective character, lol !

Pamela said...

A new one for me! Very nteresting.

Sayre said...

Wow! I could totally be Sam Stewart! I think everyone has a little Sam in her... I suspect you have a lot!

m (the misanthrope) said...

PS Re. your comment on my FM - okay, enough with the mind-reading/window-peeking already ;-) I have often thought about sharing my CW assignments on my blog. I just got my first one back at last week's class, and I got a 94%! So I just might be brave enough to post it soon ;-) (How DO you read my mind?)

Jan n Jer said...

To answer your comment on my Blog...Yes Jer n I did get a chance to kick up our heels just a few weeks ago at Jer's grandaughters wedding. Thanks for asking Faye. I meant to say also, that I have never tuned into the BBC shows, I dont even know if we get that on our cable.

m (the misanthrope) said...

Pssst - I posted some of my Creative Writing stuff ;-)

Ari_1965 said...

I loved that series. I believe I posted on my blog a couple of years ago that Michael Kitchen was my crush at that time. This month it's Christopher Plummer.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I adore Foyle's War and am thrilled to note they've now filmed Foyle's Peace. Can't wait to see it.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I've tagged you for an award over at mine.

Hootin Anni said...

What an interesting character you chose! I loved reading your reasoning AND your synopsis. Wow!! Great idea, I'm sorry I missed playing this F M!

Sorry, it's taken me a while to return your visit We've been busy getting our home decorated for Halloween. Hope your week is treating you well so far. [And glad to hear that there is another NCIS fan out here in Blogland!]

Living Life said...

Faye, I have never heard of Foyle's War. I watched the clip and it looks good. I love mysteries and detective shows. Sam is a good choice of character for you!

Susie Vereker said...

A village near me is sometimes used as a location for Foyle's War. A couple of years ago I waited around for half an hour when they were filming in case I'd see Michael Kitchen, but no luck, just a couple of actors in WW2 raincoats. They don't have to alter the village much - they just take the baskets of flowers away.
Can't wait for the next series.

Lane Mathias said...

I love this series too Faye. Funnily enough I've just been watching repeats on TV. Like Debs I'm really looking forward to Foyle's Peace too.

prashant said...

Thanks for sharing your interest with us. Happy FM Faye
Work From Home

laurie said...

oh god i love this show. we are watching it on netflix. we just finished an episode about ten minutes ago! funny coincidence.