Fun Monday Sign Up
December 21
Topic: I've Got Mail--Holiday Mail
I'm your holiday host for Fun Monday, December 21. Your assignment, should you decide to play, is to share some of your favorite holiday mail that you've received this year. Possible categories:
Best All Around Card
Most Meaningful Message
Best Kid/Pet Holiday Photo
Best Family Newsletter
Most Humorous Card
Now I realize that I'm asking you to share snail mail holiday greetings. If you've given up on this tradition and choose to communicate with friends and family in a different way to wish them a happy holiday and new year, then tell us what you do in place of those cards, letters and photos. Here we are on December 16th and just tonight I sat down to go through last year's cards and make a list of friends and family that I want to send holiday wishes and hopes for the new year. Most I hear from throughout the year, but not all. Regardless, I want all on my list to know I'm thinking of them during the holiday season.
Here's the beginnings of a list of people who want to play:
1. Janis
2. Sayre
3. Lil Mouse
4. Gattina (Host for December 28th)
5. The Church Lady
6. Cynicalgirl
If you want to play, just leave your name in a comment and I'll update the list on Sunday. Come on Mr./Ms. Mail Carrier, leave us some holiday cheer!
I'll play!
I'm confused -- I thought I saw Gattina with a topic up????
I will have some difficulties, because I don't send Christmas cards and I don't care of getting them. But I will come up with something just for the fun of Monday, lol !
Sorry about the misunderstanding, of course I will host on Monday 28 !
pamela--I'm hosting on the 21st and gattina will host on the 28th. We had double volunteering going on! Now you have one more week to find a Christmas ornament to share! :-)
gattina--thanks for changing gattina. You're a good sport and I think we're sorted now.
I would love to play, but just know I'd be the one to forget to take part on 21st, so had better not this time. x
I'll do my best to get a post up on Monday
guess what? I am playing, here is my address
Thanks for hosting'
Love your holiday cheer!!!
And I'm playing -- mine's up!!
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