About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hot Fun

Yesterday a trio of friends (you'll have to take my word about that since they're all camera phobic) and I went on a road trip in 95 degree heat and humidity to check out this great art festival. It's been voted a Top Ten art festival in the U.S. for several years. I expect they'll keep that rating after what we saw and experienced yesterday. The festival is in the heart of Kentucky horse country on Midway College campus.

The road onto Francisco Farm was lined with these festive renaissance flags--very exciting to see them flapping in the breeze. Also encouraging for the promise of a cooling breeze while we walked around.

Near the entrance to the fair I spotted this sign. The sentiment may be a bit dark, but hard to argue that art in its many forms helps us to feel pleasure whether we're creating it ourselves or just appreciating other artists' works. Apologies to Stella--her last name is Adler, not Adle.

Here's a long view of the festival area. It was set up on Midway College's beautiful campus lawn. We were sheltered from some of the heat by the great old trees. Throughout the campus grounds there were areas set aside where you could take a break and listen to some nice music from a live quartet. Later in the day there was some lovely singing that was not too loud or raucous.

I spotted these two guys enjoying a bit of the music from these straw bale seats. Grownup guy gets extra points for bringing little guy to this type of event.

No surprise that this booth was my favorite of the over 100 that were set up. Debbie Graviss is a local artist who specializes in painting animals, especially pets. She is a volunteer with the Woodford Humane Society and many of her subjects are from the WHS which has a great reputation for its work on behalf of animal welfare and rescue.

Here are some closeups of her work, including "Miss Lilly", a graduate of the Woodford County Humane Society:

Look closely. Can you see the dog? When we were sharing photos, KH thought this may be a glass sculpture, like one of Dale Chihuly's fanciful pieces. You can see where she might get that idea!

When it came time to select a memento from the festival I would have been happy with some pottery in earth tones, silver and agate earrings, lovely textiles and paintings. I chose some small botanical colored pencil drawings of bleeding hearts, lily of the valley,blue columbine, and pink lady slippers by artist Sharon Kincheloe. My colored pencils are already sharpened and ready to try to copy them.

Then there was so much beautiful nature photography to choose from, but "Morning Rush" by photographer John W. Snell was an early and easy choice. This photograph was taken in the beautiful Red River Gorge of eastern Kentucky.

This scene is very familiar to me as I grew up in these mountains and first learned to appreciate the beauty of nature there. I'll enjoy looking at this work as a reminder of that time and a wonderful day with friends at the Francisco Farm Art Festival on the hottest day in June.


Sayre said...

What a lovely art fair! I can see why the painter of pets would be your favorite tent. I agree that picture could be of a Chihuly glass but I did spy the dog!!!!

I love events like that - I just wish it wasn't so hot for so many of them!

Jan n Jer said...

Sounds like a hot but fun fun day! Glad it stayed true to its roots. We also went to a festival at Our near by state park and we were so disappointed...This was the nineth Year and they decided to run the festival for 3 days and allow carnival rides. Instead of enjoying the nature atmosphere with lots of nature displays and educational programs, we felt like we were at a glitzy cheapo carnival. They have a wonderful fireworks display still, but next year we will rethink about going to this Summer Blast...as they call it. Have a great week Faye!

Pamela said...

lovely lovely
years ago there was a small balloon festival that began with some private balloon enthusiasts -- and they set up only a few blocks from our house.
soon there were artists that joined the fun and set up booths.

Eventually the city got involved and took over -- moved it to the fairgrounds. I don't go anymore.
It's all elephant ears, corn dogs, and cwap (wrong consonant but you get the picture)

Your festival looks like a winner

ari_1965 said...

The festival looks fun.

Faye said...

sayre--the "Chihuly" dog was a huge painting--maybe poodle--but you really had to look to find him. This fair was in a great setting and so civilized.

janis--festivals that resist trying to be everything are the most fun and successful, I think. This one was just lovely art, nice music and people enjoying at a leisurely pace.

pamela--I agree. Stick to what makes your festival different and don't get too scattered. If people want frenzy, then wait for the state fair.

ari--it was a grand day, despite the heat. You would have loved that dog painting booth. There was another painting that I didn't use of your favorite Jack Russels--in this painting they were a couple of "jumping Jacks"!

Ingrid said...

That must have been very nice, I love to visit things like that, but what a heat you had ! For the moment here too it's hot, hopefully it will last a little !

Living Life said...

Oh I love festivals and art fairs! It looks like it was very well attended and very nice as you described. I love the Stella quote too!

Swampwitch said...

Well now, how fun was that? Love the "Can you see the dog?" Amazing how it took me awhile to see those eyes.
Thanks for adding a little culture to my life.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Wow, 95 degrees. So hot.

I love those pictures and can't get over the beauty of the last photo. How incredible to have grown up surrounded by such magnificent scenery.