In the real world I keep my circle of true friends to about five people--or the number that I can count on one hand. Or, maybe tops two hands! This is about the right number for a borderline hermit who gets the bends at the thought of socializing too much. On the other hand, I'm very interested in people--what they're thinking, reading, doing, living out their daily lives. I'm also very interested in the antics of their dogs. Blogging and face booking has helped me find many kindred souls to "e-chat" with throughout the week. Virtual friendships keep me engaged with the world and I appreciate all these friends.
So, on a given day, you'll find me at the computer with Willie lying under my desk. He's been lobbying to get his own "Tailbook" page, but so far I've kept him at bay with regular features starring him on this blog and my own facebook page. It doesn't take long to check in with all my virtual friends and see what they're up to. I try to leave comments to let them know that I've been visiting and thinking of them. And, I'm always delighted when they stop by my place. All that without having to get dressed or move the car out of the driveway!
So, before you leave your computer this Monday, be sure to go over to Maraposa's place for the list of Fun Monday players.
(Cartoon credit: Mr. Parisi, is it okay if I use yours? All this copyright stuff is rather confusing!)
I feel quite honored to count you in my group of blogger and facebook friends. I'm like you - I like people at a distance and only have a few that I actually see and visit in person. If it weren't for my husband and son, I really would be a hermit!
I'm glad Mariposa picked up the ball and ran with it!
I love my blogging friends and FB friends...it is a good way to keep in touch. Although I am a bit more social, I like people around me...the more the better...I especially love to host parties. Thanks for sharing Faye...I will play FM next week.
Great post Faye! I love the cartoon!! I too appreciate all the friendships I've made through blogging. It is really neat to connect with people from all around the world! I'm so glad we are "friends" too! Happy Fun Monday!
the "virtual" pace is hectic, isn't it.
I have 230 feeds on my bloglines. only about 100 of them are blogging anymore, and many of them not often.
One thing I need to do is be more social with friends I can see face to face.
my dogs do their antics with you in mind.
Love the extras! And yes to all you've said here...and FB is making the world really small for everybody. I am so happy to know you and have learned so many things about you...and will treasure that. :)
Thanks for playing!
I have Twitter, but rarely post anything, instead I use it to keep up to date with what others are saying.
I've come across you on Facebook too.
It's lovely to read people's blog topics and have a peek into their lives.
One fave quote I've come across goes something like "I love my computer; my friends live in it"
It's good that Mariposa is trying to keep Fun Monday alive.
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