It's hard not to get inspired these days by so many talented bloggers busily getting their homes ready for Christmas--handmade gifts, decorating, cooking/baking. Throughout December I've been checking in regularly with a few bloggers who really have the creative knack for making their homes magical during the holiday season. Some favorite sites are Elderberry Street , Homespun Living , and Dear Little Red House .
While these artful bloggers go all out for Christmas, I also love getting updates from several longtime blog buddies on their holiday preparations. Is the tree up? How is it decorated? What are you thinking about the whole gift giving thing? What are your Christmas customs and traditions? That's where the idea for my handmade Christmas gift--melted snowmen ornaments--comes in. Last year Church Lady over at Living Life in PA posted directions for making these adorable ornaments. I really wanted to make them then, but didn't have time to gather everything. This year, I did it! So, all my friends and neighbors may be getting one of these cuties for their trees. Here are abbreviated directions if you want to make them. You can also go to Church Lady's blog site where she re-posted better directions a few weeks ago.
Church Lady's Melted Snowmen Ornaments
Directions: I found all the supplies at the local Michael's Craft, Dee's Craft, and Ben Franklin Variety stores. The snowmen hats were the hardest to find. Be sure to get them small enough that they can be folded to insert in the glass balls.
1. Remove ornament caps. Fill each clear glass ball ornament with 2 TBSP. Diamond dust "snow".
2. Next fold the hat and insert in the ball. This is the hardest part.
3. Next add a scarf--cut either fleece or flannel into 3.5"x1/2" scarves. Cut the ends to look like fringe. Use chopsticks or long tweezers to poke the scarf down in the snow.
4. Now the arms--2'' twigs. I used grapevine stems. As you place the pieces imagine how the snowman might "melt". Next add three small black buttons for his front. Then 2 black pebbles for eyes (I found these irregular-shaped beads in the jewelry making area of Michael's.)5. Time for the carrot nose! Mold 1'' carrots from orange baking clay, add a green snip at top for carrot top. Use a needle or straight pin to make ridges around carrot. Bake according to clay instructions.
6. Replace the ornament cap and add a ribbon bow to go with your scarf choice. Done!
I confess to getting a bit grinchy about the commercial frenzy associated with the holidays, but seeing lovely decorations, making a special treat to share with friends or making something by hand makes me happy. What gives you pleasure during the season?
Oh Faye! I am most impressed with the way your ornaments turned out! Nature Girl commented, "Wow, Mom they are better than yours"! I'm certain that your friends will cherish them forever! Thanks for the shout out too!
Careful Nature Girl! Don't be dising the original artist a week before Christmas--remember that gift tree. . .
I've passed out two so far and the recipients were thrilled. I think it's just the idea of handmade. Thanks for the idea. What are we doing next year?
They turned out really nice Faye. I love mine and I know your friends are going to love theirs. A handmade gift is something to cherish for years to come! I love baking cookies n goodies or homemade mustard to give away to friends n family. One year I did make a homemade snowman ornament out of felt to put on top of each gift. Have yourself a Merry little Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year! BTW thanks for the link to the Christmas home tours, I loved visiting them.
They are gorgeous and something to be treasured and passed down.
What gives me pleasure at this time of year? well decorating the tree certainly comes high up the list - getting out all those familiar little baubles, some that have been passed down to me, some that my girls made years ago and some more recently found sparkles. somehow the living room is more peaceful with a tree in it:-)
Very clever ornaments. I'm nearly finished with the preparations for tomorrow (cleaning, food defrosting, etc).
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. x
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