Our host for this month's Fun Mondays, Ari at Prawn of Fate , has thrown out a rather unusual, but appealing, topic for January 31:
Your first novel is published to wide acclaim. What's the title and what is it about?
Any novel that I write would be based on travels to a foreign country--a particular location, experience, or person whom I had met while seeing the world. Many months ago another Fun Monday host asked us to write the beginnings of an unusual love story. I set my story in France. Here's a first attempt at writing a tale of love. One as bittersweet as the citron presse shared by the lovers on their last morning together.
Final Citron Presse, A Love Story
Eduard left his apartment just off the Place Stanislas in Nancy, France. His route through the town was a familiar one. Four days a week Eduard met groups of tourists and students in the square and led them on explorations of Nancy's world famous Art Nouveau architecture. Today would be different though. He was meeting only one person, Madeleine.
Eduard was pleased that the blue doors of Madame Perrin's flower shop were open. He carefully selected a small bunch of lavender for Madeleine. The fragrance would remind her of the warm afternoons they spent together on day trips through the French countryside. Madeleine sat on the steps of King Stanislas' statue in the square, waiting for Eduard. Without saying a word, she held out her hand. Eduard gave her the lavender and picked up her suitcase with his free hand.
They walked silently to the cafe across from the train station. Eduard stopped at the ticket window to buy Madeleine's ticket back to Paris. She went on in the cafe. He found her at their special table. Two citron presses were already on the table. By his drink, Madeline had carefully placed four packets of sugar.Tears stung Eduard's eyes. On their first meeting many months ago, they had shared a citron presse. Madeline had given him her sugar that day. Today, however, Eduard knew that no amount of sugar would ease the bitterness of saying "Goodbye."
Thanks Ari, for hosting January Fun Mondays. This host for a month seems to work out well as there's always someone willing to take on hosting duties for the entire month. Ari passes the baton to Molly at Return of the White Robin for February, the month of love. Perhaps I should have saved this story for then! No worries, as I'm sure Molly will have many interesting post ideas for us to tackle.
Awwwww saying goodbye...very sad but I kind of wished you'd written more, I was really getting into that! Quite lovely but sad :(
Awwwww saying goodbye...very sad but I kind of wished you'd written more, I was really getting into that! Quite lovely but sad :(
More, more!!! I feel so sorry for Eduard and Madeline! Why does she have to go back to Paris? Why was she in Nancy for a few months - or did she just stop in from time to time?
I think you should expand on this, Faye! I would read it...
4 packets of sugar (:
and the recipe for the Citron Presse? please? or is it just lemonade?
I love a good romance story. One of the great things about books is the chance to be transported to another time and place, to another life. Keep on writing!
Faye, there is nothing like a tragic love story to keep a girl's interest. If you decide to finish your story, be sure to let us know. Your Fun Monday readers will be your first customers.
I can just hear the background music.
Faye, you would be a great novelist! You have a way with words and making the story interesting.
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