Sayre over at Sayre Smiles takes over as host for June Fun Mondays. Her assignment for June 6 is this: now that kids are out of school what are the plans for summer? Or, if you prefer, what are your strategies for staying cool at this time of the year? Well Sayre, my main activity for summer is to try to stay cool--or when I can't, complain about the heat.
We all have preferences for the different seasons and weather. In part it's influenced by personality, but also the activities we each enjoy. Some thrive on the hot days of summer and much loved outdoor sports and activities. I'm the opposite. A perfect day for me would be cool and rainy or cold and blustery. I enjoy being out in this type of weather, but even better, love to hibernate inside my home with books, movies, and the old dog.
I've always looked at summer as the time of doldrums. When young, I dreaded the end of school with all the learning and activity that went on there. The two-three months at home all day was never much fun. Even in college I always preferred to take summer school courses and stay on campus. And, since there's no children to consider, spring and fall vacations are so much better for me--less crowded, pleasant temperatures. Even now, it's the same. The activities I enjoy most are over for the summer.
So what are my summer plans? In a nutshell, I'll walk the dog early in the morning, do enough housework to keep the health department away, maybe get out the sewing machine and do some simple sewing projects. I'll read many, many books and see all the good summer movies and Netflix oldies. And I'll write--journals, blogging, facebook. Also, this weekend I bought an "essentials" book on digital photography--I'm ready for a better camera and need to learn more about digital photography. I'll meet friends for two-hour lunches and take in a few arts and crafts fairs and exhibitions.
But the big deal for me this summer is this:

In August I'm off on an 18 day tour of Scandinavia--starting in Sweden then on to Denmark and ending up in Norway. I've been interested in Scandinavia for several years--influenced by its fiction and films. I'll close out this summer with a closeup look at these strange and beautiful countries. There's bus trips, trains, fjord cruises, glacier hiking, and city walkabouts. A perfect end to a not so favorite season.
oh sounds like a blast! have fun!
That sounds like a COOL way to spend some time in the summer!!! I'll look forward to reading about your adventures - My mom's family is from Norway and we're still in touch with a cousin there.
I really dislike summer. It makes me wilt and sucks all the energy out of me. Staying cool is my main occupation during summer too!
That sounds like a wonderful plan Faye! I think the photograpy bug may have bitten you...can't wait to see the awesome shots from your trip in August. The world looks different when your looking through the lens of a camera, you see so many things you may have missed before.
I am a early summer/fall kinda girl. Being outside on a balmy sunny day is my fave!
Our children have just returned to school after a week off for half term and won't break up until mid-July.
Your trip in August sounds amazing. I'm off to Paris for a few days in July and can't wait.
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