30 Day Good Photos Challenge, Day 19 Subject - Little People
Meet Walter. He hardly had time to stop for this photo. He was in charge of Cheetos quality testing and general networking at his Big Mom's 76th birthday bash this past Sunday.
Walter asked me to tell you that he has very nice hair and that he wishes the photographer had gotten his entire head so you could see for yourself. He thinks it's kind of Cheetos colored, which is a good thing in his opinion.
Isn't he adorable? I love his name too, it suits him.
debs--that name cracks me up too. He's a first baby and good for his parents for giving him such a substantial name instead of these modern make up names.
LOL..I am famous for cutting peoples heads off...taking pictures that is! How cute is little Walter! The old time names are making a come back!
He is adorable ~ hair or no hair! lol. It certainly is hard to take photos of children who are constantly on the move! You did good!
I would have liked to seen that cheeto colored hair!
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