Earlier this week we had two days when temps hovered in the mid-80s. That's hot for the middle of March in Kentucky. Still, who wants the air conditioner on that early? So, here you have the second best plan. Pop up the portable screen in the front door, install the baby gate and move the Senior Citizen's ortho bed to the lookout position. Now, he's ready to give the mail carrier a fright when he comes up on the stoop. Also, he can watch out for that dang grey cat Whenever it stalks across the yard. But mostly, when your 15 + years it just feels nice to nap in the breeze. (Did you noticed that this lucky dog gets bedside meal service?)
What about you? How are you coping with an early hot spring?
For more fences from all over go to Life According to Jan and Jer for a list of players.
We have been spending a lot of time outdoors, getting the yard ready for the spring...so far have not turned on the AC, even though it has been in the 80s here too. I just have a "thing" about turning on the AC before April 15th...silly, I know...but every chance I get to save some money on the electric bill, I do! What a sweet thing you have done for your "senior citizen"...I am sure he has given you much love over the years!
so true, the hubby & i open the windows at night ...letting the breeze flow in & then when we wake up in the morning it is freezing butt off cold & we let it flow in because soon enough it will be in the 80s ... so we close up the windows & shades. & start the process over again. i bet the doggie enjoys the view. so sweet of you. (:
I am sure the doggie loves the fresh air. I love fresh air more than the AC. ^_^ Love that fence.
Friday Fences
The weather has been awesome here too Faye. I love to open up the windows n let fresh air in! willie is one lucky pup!
neat photo.. Same kind of weather in Ohio
that is too sweet. love how you love your pup. :) you were warmer than we were in texas...
What a wonderful photo!
We're not experiencing high temperatures like you, but today must be 18 degrees (C) and tomorrow it's supposed to reach 20 degrees C. Can't wait.
The hottest I saw it here in Southeast Missouri was 81 & that was plenty hot for me! I opened the doors here at work & had the ceiling fans on, so it wasn't too bad. I just hope this doesn't mean that summer will be that much longer & that much hotter... I don't like the heat of summer... AT ALL!
It's a beautiful Spring, tho, that's for sure!
Awww...I know he was enjoying the breeze and his view of the outdoors! Baby gates rock!
This gives the phrase "a dog's life" an entirely new meaning. But this is a wonderful picture, and I'm glad you have such a good watch dog.
Sweet! Come and follow me back!
Hi Faye, It's so nice to meet you. Thanks for coming to my blog. I hope you will continue to come back. I am enjoying yours.
I know how you feel about your sweet doggie. I had my Duchess (a cocker spaniel) for about 17 yrs --and when she died, a piece of me died also.
Hubby and I are retired and our loves are hiking--while searching for waterfalls; traveling; gardening (flowers including roses); and just enjoying life and nature. I love my backyard birds and I also am into genealogy. Hope you come back!!!!!
I see that you are in the beautiful state of Kentucky. I'm south of you on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee...
Have a wonderful weekend.
That's awesome, Faye! What a great spot for the dog to relax. I'm also in KY and it has been much too warm for March.
hee hee! I love it! But I'm sure Willie loves it even more!
We are having fabulous weather here in Minnesota. We had some 80's last week. This week the temps are around 70. Just right for me. I'm loving it and have the doors and windows open enjoying the fresh air. Just like you pup is enjoying it.
Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments on the Red Canyon.
Lovely moment.
Regards and best wishes
That is one huge bed for one small dog, breakfast in bed indeed, tell him or her I am moving in for that kind of service and aircon
'One lucky dog' takes on a whole new meaning! :) It's very sweet that you made him comfortable.
We had five straight days of 80 degrees but today it dropped twenty degrees and it's raining.
While it wasn't cold it felt cold.
oh he is a lucky guy
what a great spot :)
I am not dealing with the early warmth very well
I love cold temps and I get cranky when I'm too warm
One lucky dog, breakfast in bed!
Our temps here are up and down, rain or shine, like spring is going back to winter.
I hope we have enough rainfall, will be good for our wildflowers.
The dog seems to want to go out. :)
Never seen a shoto like this before. Like it. :)
Awwww...what a lucky dog to have you to care for him!! I could do 80!!!
Loved the spring colors from your other post...gorgeous!!
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