Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Week Sunrises

Lately we've been having some spectacular sunrises so, while I was taking a Thanksgiving week break from blogging and facebooking, I decided to try to get daily photos of the sun coming up from my back deck. Each photo shows what the sky looked like from this same location between 7:30-8a.m.  I found the shots to be varied and delightful:

Sunday, 18th

Monday, 19th

Tuesday, 20th

Wednesday, 21st

Thursday, 22nd

Friday, 23rd

Saturday, 24th

So, there you have it--a week of sunrises.  The week started off with streaks of glorious color, to days of grey light, then soft color returns, ending today with a red gold bank of color against a blue sky by 8:00 a.m. this morning.  I hope you've enjoyed your Thanksgiving week.  As for me, I'm re-charged creatively and plotting some--I hope--interesting photo shoots for December.  Oh, and I forgot to say--glad to be back and I've missed chatting with you.


  1. You have a gorgeous view from your back deck. Greats pics and welcome back to the blogosphere Faye!

  2. really beautiful skies. glad you are refreshed.

  3. Nice! It's cool how each one is completely different! The colors are beautiful!

  4. Every one beautiful and unique.
    Nice to see you back Faye.

  5. Each sunrise is so unique and you captured them perfectly! I too am feeling recharged, although I'm still fighting somewhat of a cold. I am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us!!

  6. Beautiful sunrises seen from your deck. I love how each one is different.

  7. This is beautiful. I always fascinated by the nfl jerseys 2013
