About Me

- Faye
- Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Eating Crow - Literally
Lots of crows flocking to the apples, oranges, and bread that I've been throwing out in the front yard this winter. Try to photograph them through the front window, but they're fast! Either extremely good eye sight or hearing--not easy to catch them in the act. I like to hear them up in the trees complaining about the weather. :-)
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday
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They are scavengers...an very bold too!
you're sweet to feed them! i like these birds a lot!
You're so clever! :-) Like the photos you were able to take of them.
Despite everything they're handsome guys.Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
They seem to act like the magpies do here in my garden! I think they can hear, through walls when I walk in our living room with my camera! :)
Thanks for your nice comment on my post! Interesting to know you've been to Sweden!
Greetings Pia
You described them perfectly!
I've tried getting them through the window and just like you said they must see really well. I've even tried standing back and using my zoom. With that said, great job getting these!
I usually scare them away on purpose so they don't get everything from the little birds. :)
Well done with these images. Species such as Crows and Ravens from the Corvid family can be very wary of us humans and they can be very hard to get them to feel comfortable around humans, which does seem odd for such a large bird. So to get them feeding close by is a bit of a result for you, great stuff.
I love crows and they are indeed one of the hardest birds to get great photos of. I really like what you have captured. I could listen to them all day.
They're not the only ones complaining about the weather. We have quite a few crows down here complaining as well.
Nice pictures you show. Wish you a happy Easter :)
Crows of all types are great birds - they are really very smart.
Getting to the island is easy for me - I just hand over some money to a tour boat operator! But even if I had my own boat it would not be difficult - it no very far off shore.
Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne
Wow...they're very well fed in your yard then. They dine in style. Beautiful images Faye.
I like your photos.
Crows are smart birds. Every morning, my husband leaves a couple of peanuts in the shell on a feeder for one. The crow waits in a tree across the street for my husband to appear, then swoops down to get its treat.
That's one bird we've never had in the yard or at the feeders. I like crows, but have difficulty getting close to them.
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