Teaser Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted by Miz B over at Should be Reading and is open to all readers who enjoy sharing their current book. Rules of the game are simple:
--open your current read to a random page;
--share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on the page, being careful not to give away too much of the story;
--share the title and author and, if you like, a brief synopsis so other readers can decide if they want to add your selection to their TBR lists; and
--post your link in the comments on Miz B's webpage before checking out other Teaser Tuesday links.
What an Italian Dog Taught an American Girl about Love
by Justine van der Leun
"For a long time, without even knowing it, I had envisioned a perfect, fictional love in which two people came together , forever devoted only to one another . . . When I think about it now, this grand love for which I toured the earth could be found most easily not between a man and a woman but between a doting owner and her loyal dog." p. 70
Synopsis: in Justine van der Leun's memoir she writes about her impulsive decision to leave her job with an American magazine in New York and move to Italy to live a more adventurous life. She falls--or thinks she does--in love with a handsome gardener and moves in with him in the Umbrian town of Collelungo, population 200. She does not adjust well to Italian country life.
Then she rescues an abandoned English pointer on her boyfriend's family farm. She named the dog Marcus and kept that name when, on closer examination, she found that Marcus was a "girl'. With Marcus as her constant companion she gradually learns how to live the country life with all its roughness and charm. Marcus and Justine save each other.
I loved this memoir because it wasn't the expected account of a traveler in Italy seen through a terra cotta haze. It is honest and revealing. But mostly it is just the story of a girl and her dog.
(Photo credit: jvanderleun.com)
Beautiful teaser! MY TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/07/teaser-tuesdays-the-blind-contessas-new-machine.html
I love the sound of this book, and can see how a dog can be responsible for saving someone. I must look it up.
Sounds like a nice read for summer. Thanks for visiting my blog Faye...I agree with you that summertime the blog activity goes down. I stuggle to find a topic to blog about. At least my weekley meme's keep me in the game. Enjoy your summer and your peach pickin time! sounds like fun. Did you hear that Mariposa is trying to revive FM...she will have the info up on friday!
Great teaser! This sounds very interesting! I love the picture. My Teaser is here.
and my god look at that photo--she is GORGEOUS. life in italy, a great dog, and looks to boot. not fair. but i liked this book very much anyway.
This sounds like a really sweet story. Nice teaser. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.
It's been ages since I have read a travelogue type book.
My teaser is from The Passage this week.
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