About Me

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Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Autumn Photo Challenge, Day 10 - "Nature Closeups"

Here are a few closeups of early fall that I've seen just in neighborhood rambles. I still haven't totally figured out the "macro" setting on my camera yet. Picked up some photography magazines last week with a couple of in-depth articles on shooting "macro", one going beyond flowers and bugs! Stay focused here for some evidence of progress. :-)

An "elf house" in neighbor's pin oak tree:

Next year's southern magnolia bloom:

Seedpod of black-eyed susans:

Hydrangea bloom almost ready for cutting, if you want to dry for winter bouquets:

Shedding sycamore tree bark:

And finally, lovely red fruits--I don't know the tree. Leaves look like a flowering dogwood, but I'm not sure because the dogwood "berries" grow closer to the branch w/o hanging in clusters from stems like in this photo. Anyone solve the mystery?

If you'd like to participate in the Two Weeks in Autumn Photo Challenge--and I hope you do--it's simple. Just grab your camera and take a photo of your interpretation of the day's subject. Post on your blog and then leave me a comment so I can visit you and include your link on the player's list below. Also, since some of the photo subjects may take a bit of planning thought I'd give you a few of them ahead of time.

October 3, Day 11 Subject - "Autumn Sunlight"

October 4, Day 12 Subject - "Autumn Walk"

October 5, Day 13 Subject - "Fall Colors"

October 6, Day 14 Subject (the end of 2 Weeks in Autumn Photo Challenge--thanks for playing and visiting) - "Your Favorite Early Autumn Photo"
Here are today's possible players:

Pamela @ The Dust Will Wait
Janis @ As Jan Sees It
Joangee @ Musings n Waffle


Pamela said...

Even pretty as a small view on my cell fone

EG CameraGirl said...

Fall is such a pretty time of year, especially close up.

Jan n Jer said...

Nice close ups Faye...Fall is certainly in the air! Have no clue on the red berries on the tree..but is sure is pretty!

Living Life said...

I'm liking the color in the berry pic. Not sure what type of tree it could be though.

Anonymous said...

Like the bark photo very much.