Here you have the two old codgers, Willie and Cooper the yellow lab, taking part in a daily ritual. Willie is 15 + and Cooper is probably 13 years old. Every day on our walks through the park they look for each other. When Cooper spies us even from far across the park he runs to his back fence and waits for us. They run up and down the fence together, pausing to chat or have a little leg-lifting contest. I have no idea what they have to talk about. Maybe their golf game, politics, or their prostate? Whatever, they look forward to these visits and I love to watch them.
Now, even though
Janis ,our host for Friday Fences, is in charge of the Day 2 Thanksgiving feast, she's still ready to see some new fences. When you've done your Black Friday shopping and had some leftovers from yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner, be sure and stop by her place for the list of players. She may even offer you a piece of pie!
Dear old chaps, I'm sure they have a lovely 'catch-up' each time they meet.
I love the story behind this shot Faye...just so cute! Happy Black Friday to you. I am skipping the whole shopping craze today..Been there done that and I find...people are CRAZY!!!!! Thanks for playing FF
nothing better than old pups. i just lost my 14 y.o. yellow lab last month so this pulls my heart strings. :)
This post really makes me smile this Black Friday. Needless to say I am NOT shopping...it is much more fun blogging. These two old fellers are just so cute looking at one another. I know you get a treat each time they visit thru the fence. genie
Awww I love your story. You'll have to arrange a leg lifting date for them lol. I didnt really notice that bloom over the fence. I was taking a fence photo lol
Bridget #13
Probably discussing Thanksgiving dinner stolen treats and perhaps strategy for the ensuing holiday dinners! Very cute image for FF.
Thanks for your visit and comment on my Friday fence. Hope you have having a great weekend. =)
I love how there is a story with this shot.
two adorable "puppies"....nice that they look forward to seeing each other!!
Oh I love this I have always wondered what dogs think. :).
On my post it is a natural waterway in a little town used to be used buy a mill. Thanks for visiting. B
My old codger would fit right in. Love how they visit through the fence.
LoL! talkin bout their prostate... too cute!
Sometimes a fence is really in the way!
My fence shot was taken in a coastal area just north of Bergen. Both the fence and the landscape is typical of many parts of the country, both coastal and inland. I'm glad you enjoyed Norway! :-)
Probably the highlight of their day - getting to sniff each other and exchange doggie thoughts!
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