This week's Fun Monday assignment is all about questions and answers. Our host, the lovely butterfly Mariposa gives us the opportunity to reveal a bit more about ourselves to our friends in the blogosphere, something we haven't shared before. Then in the second part of the assignment, she asks us to come up with three questions for our readers. Finally, we're to go to each Fun Monday participant's post and answer the questions posed. I've peeked at a couple of your posts and this is going to be an amusing and revealing exercise. I decided to borrow from Lisa Nola's Listography, a do it yourself autobiography in lists, for my questions.
I've been interested in memoir for many years, filling journals with daily writings about whatever was on my mind at the time. I've also created lifelines where you record significant events in your life as either positive(above the base line--1951 started school) or negative(below the base line--1968 not accepted in graduate school at first). I wish I could show you what this looks like, but it's a bit too personal. It does, however, give a very graphic picture of a life--both the highs and lows. Another interesting memoir exercise that I've worked on is to make a photo timeline. By now you're probably thinking, "Come on! Just how self absorbed can you be? But, when you study photos of one person at different stages of life you get the whole picture. And, if it's your own photos, you remember what was happening in your life when that photo was taken and what you were feeling.
Nola's Listography is a really fun way to capture some of the details and experiences of your life that you'd like to remember, from the mundane to sublime: List your favorite teachers. List the best days of your life. List your favorite childhood toys. List your biggest regrets. Put all these lists together and you have a life.
So now to Mariposa's assignment:
1. Share something you wish your readers would know about you. I am film fanatic. First run films showing about town, TV, and Netflix. I especially love independent films, British period drama, foreign films (especially Czech), intelligent crime dramas. I've seen 25 first run movies since January. In October alone I watched several full series on Netflix: Islands at War, Lilies, Almost Strangers, Wire in the Blood, Michael Collins, The Interpreter, Zelary and The Country Teacher(two good Czech films). After looking at this list would you be surprised to know that there are leaves that need raking, and a house that needs de-cluttering and cleaning? :-)
Three questions for you to answer in my "Comments":
1. List past jobs you've had.
--babysitter, house cleaner, caterer, reading/English teacher, education consultant, trainer
2. List things you love and despise.
--love dogs, friends, travel, books, films, kindness
--despise intolerance, things that don't work, obnoxious behavior, cruelty
3. List things you like to do on your day off.
-- stay home, drink coffee and read the paper, walk Willie, watch movies on Netflix, read
So, there you have it--what this inquiring mind wants to know about her blog friends. I'll be around shortly to answer all your questions.
1. List past jobs you've had.
--Camerawoman, floor director, film editor, FAA Academy teacher assistant (typing up lesson plans), traffic manager
2. List things you love and despise.
--love animals, clean houses, books, my family, Grey's Anatomy
--despise graphically violent movies and games, mushrooms, ignorance on purpose, people who won't listen to reason.
3. List things you like to do on your day off.
-- stay home, drink coffee and read the paper, watch TV and movies, eat OUT, be alone (there is precious little alone-time in my life)
Love to have my own memoir too, and will try some of the things you mentioned. I for one keep a daily journal, okay sometimes I skip. :)
Here goes my share --
1. McDonald's crew, community org/project manager - nonprofit org, call center agent, call center operations mgr, quality and process improvement
2. Loves... butterflies, bags, shoes, coffee, cooking and baking, gardening, makeups (though I don't always wear them), music, movies, reading, blogging!
Despise...discrimination, violence, insensitivity, irresponsibility and all forms of abuses!
3. Ha! My rest days are weekends and they're always short, I usually do any of the following;
- sleep
- watch TV/ movies at home
- shopping
- cook/ bake
- garden
- go to spa (nails, hair, massage)
- blog
- have a super lazy day
Thanks for playing Faye...have a great week!
Faye, The Listography Q&A sounds very much like my journal jar that I have made for gifts. google jounrnal jars and you will see.
1. past jobs...credit clerk..keypunch operator for S.S. cashier...archive specialist
2. things I love...music,dancing,my home...family..
things I despise...unkept homes on the outside...loud n obnoxious people...door to door solicitors.
3. everyday is my day off..I love my mornings and that first cup of coffee..when I don't have plans ...I scrapbook, watch movies or read.
Jobs ? No, I was assistant to the Manager for whole Europe when I finished my studies.
I love animals, friends, painting, photography, travelling and having fun !
I don't like extremists,in whatever domain, and stupid and narrow minded people.
1: Past jobs include soda jerk, accessories salesperson, mail clerk, verifier, data entry, and now scanning clerk.
2: Love: my family, chocolate, writing, reading, travelling, art, music.
Despise: hate, bigotry, tailgating drivers, cold and snowy weather.
3: On my day off I like to play on the computer, take pictures, and sleep.
I kept a journal for years (decades even) but stopped about ten years ago.
1. Past Jobs - Training horses, PA, cleaner, Director of a couple of companies.
2. Love - family, animals (esp dogs, horses), my home, changes in seasons
Despise - violence, graphic films, bad manners, cruelty of any kind.
3. On my day off, I love to relax at home, wearing junky clothes and read, write and walk the dog.
List past jobs you've had.
-- bookshop assistant which included cleaning, making tea (yes, making tea) and assisting in sale, receptionist, book keeper, librarian, administrative assistant (current) assistant personnel manager (best job ever) soldier medic (really challenging)
2. List things you love and despise.
-- my family of course, hot cocoa at night, watching movies and LOOVE running. I despise liars and I hate death
3. List things you like to do on your day off.
-- stay home and hang out with the kids
thanks, very interesting
A past job. When I was 16 I worked with a paint crew ... I was up on a scaffolding. I cut the window frames.
I despise: Drivers who have 100 miles of free road ahead of them and then they pass me, pull over so quickly that I have to break, and then they slow down.
Days off: they all run together n ow that I don't have an official paying job. So, I'm broke every day.
I wish I'd been writing stuff all my life. Lucky & blessed you are to have been keeping memoirs.
I love memoir too!! I'm writing my own at the moment.
1. List past jobs you've had.
-- car detailer, singing telegrams, call centre agent, mortician, funeral assistant.
2. List things you love and despise.
--love cats, friends, blogs, learning, writing, reading, photography
--despise cruelty, racism, intolerance, ignorance, lying.
3. List things you like to do on your day off.
-- my life is currently a constant day off, I spend a lot of time writing at the moment, and taking photos.
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