So, in no particular order here are five things that almost guarantee that every day is a G'day for me:
1. Willie the Pit Bull--he's 13 years old and my constant companion (sleeping under my desk right now). Taking care of him and going through our daily routines together is an on-going pleasure. Life would not be very much fun without a great pet.
2. Health--I just had a birthday a week ago and went through the annual pleasure and pain of physical exams and tests. Passed with good results, if not distinction. Sure, I could lose some weight and lower some of my vital numbers, but overall I'm strong, healthy, active and able to take care of myself and help my sister--that's a relief.
3. Secure retirement--in these uncertain economic times, I'm so thankful to have been in the workforce when saving for retirement was possible. Because I worked for two different organizations that had longevity and stablility, I was able to retire at 60 with an adequate income and health insurance.
4. Interesting friends--I am so lucky to have several long time friends who always have my back--in good times and bad. And then there's another whole group of friends that I've made through the magic of technology, like you dear Fun Monday bloggers. How great to be connected with interesting people from all over the world through blogging and my newest project, postcarding. Right now I'm looking at a beautiful postcard of the Rotterdam, Netherlands waterfront, last week it was the Great Wall of China. We do indeed live in a small world.
5. Books, films, and travel--the world is open to us through what we choose to read, great films we see and the places we go. I'm grateful to have unlimited access to all this on a daily basis. How better to understand and appreciate people who live differently from the way I do?
My list of "thankfuls" could have been a lot longer, but these five are tops from day to day. Over the weekend I was thinking about this post and trying to come up with something more original than a list when I ran across this youTube video of a soldier returning from Afghanistan being greeted by his golden retriever Gracie. The pure joy and love in this reunion is something I hope each of you experience in some way in your life.
Wishing each of you a very "thankful" holiday wherever you are. Now be sure to have a look at all the other thankful lists before Thursday!
a lovely post as usual... but the you tube addition made me cry. OMG! Dogs certainly can show us thankfulness in a very special way.
A well thought out post, I loved the video you included, that dog sure looks ecstatic to see its owner.
I love your photo too with your furriend, Willie, on the couch!
A little weeping going on here... I've seen that video before, but it doesn't get old. I like your list - and I love that Willie's right at the top of it!
Your dog is so gorgeous, and I cried at that You Tube clip, so wonderful.
Happy belated birthday, am glad to hear you're fit and well.
Happy holiday to you.
For some reason I wouldn't have thought you'd be old enough to retire. You definitely project a more youthful aura. Happy late birthday! I signed up late, but please drop by and visit, and if you have a couple of seconds, scroll to the post below and vote on my project!
Love the picture of Willie hogging the lounge up there! Great list. I did not think of books, good one. Maybe because this weekend I was trying to sort and categorize the boys books. All day and I only got through a fraction of them! I really need to control my urge to buy so many! LOL! Having said that, I put in another order last night! Oh well! Books are wonderful!
I am also thankful for blog/Fun Monday friends, new and old. Hope your thanksgiving is filled with love and happiness.
Hugs and smoochies xoxox
Faye you always have such a good take on reality. Your blessings are many and you show your appreciation. You n Willie are like two peas in a pod. He is your loyal companion that is for sure. I too shed a tear over the u tube, love is a powerful emotion. BTW thank you so much for your kind comments about my family. If you were my neighbor Faye..I would be over there helping you rake those darn leaves. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Hi Faye! What a great list of things to be thankful for. And I love the video of the dog and the soldier. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Hello, my friend! It is one of my fondly held dreams to meet Willie one day (oh, and YOU of course *giggle*). You guys are definitely a dynamic duo!
A belated Happy Birthday to you! I'm so happy you got a clean bill of health for your birthday. What better gift is there?
And woohoo for holiday TV marathons! Kick back, relax, and here's wishing you and Willie a fabulous Thanksgiving!
I am thankful too that I am retired and have my fix income for the rest of my life. Health insurance is always included because it's taken from your gross salary and pension too. Everybody has it at least in Belgium, Holland, France, Italy and GB.
Oh I love that clip.
Happy Birthday for last week Faye and Happy Thanksgiving for this week. I hope Willie gets a little extra that day. The handsome boy looks like he's licking his lips in readiness.
"strong, healthy and active." doesn't get much better than that. happy thanksgiving!!
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