And then a few days ago this sweet card arrived from Leicestershire, England. I did a double take at first because this dog(Samy? I think. Unfortunately her name was blurred by the postal metering.) looks so much like Peggy Flobbins, a favorite blogosphere dog of mine for several years who also lives and occasionally blogs from England.
Peggy Flobbins, my favorite blog doggy diva, can be found at Lane's Write . Check her out, you'll be amazed at how much they resemble each other. Now I don't know much about Samy except that she's a 13 year old rescue. I'm better acquainted with Peggy Flobbins. She lives in a cozy house with her owner(servant?)Lane and two girls who think she's very amusing and photogenic. Peggy spends her days supervising Lane who sits at the kitchen table every day tippety tapping on the laptop. Peggy can't understand Lane's obsession with this writing stuff. Personally, she thinks days are better spent curled up sleeping with her sister Teabag or supervising making yogurt cakes or buns. In warmer weather she doesn't mind going for a stroll with Lane and Teabag. And she never passes up a good bounce on the trampoline with the Younger One.
Peg has opinions about many topics and sometimes Lane allows her to guest blog on Lane's Write, much to the delight of her many reader fans. At other times she's just happy to have hers and Teabag's photos in a blog post. In fact, the two of them are featured in the latest Lane's Write post modeling a cozy crocheted blanket. Prompted MANY favorable comments! Now I've

Now be sure to pop over to Lane's Write to meet Peggy and Teabag and have a good blog read courtesy of Lane.
December 1 Update: Peggy Flobbins had taken over Lane's blog to spread the word to all her fans that she has a double! Check out her post on Lane's Write. Now we're just waiting for contact from her double in Leichestershire to see what happens. Will they meet at a halfway spot? Will they like each other? Or, will they just have to communicate via blogs and Facebook? Stay tuned. . .
December 3 Update: Well the Double Dog story just gets better and better! I heard from a very excited Peggy Flobbins this morning with news that she has gotten a message from her Leichestershire double, Sally. Not only do they look alike but they have many things in common except for age. Sally is a 13 year old gentlewoman while Pegs is still a young thing. They both enjoy naps and biscuits. Both are rescues and pretty much are in charge of their respective households. Peggy is liking this idea of "double dogs" and now wants to find her Teabag's alter ego. She also promised to be on the lookout for Summit Musings' Willie the Pit Bull double. Could there be an English reality TV show in the works? If so, I hope it doesn't take as long as Spooks or Robin Hood to get to BBC America. . .
Poor Peggy Flobbins being ignored like that. I hope he sees sense and befriends her.
Loved this post. Perfect for a cold, rainy day.
What a snob that Daddy the pit bull is...ignoring poor little Peggy Flobbins. It's fun getting post cards from around the world...like they say..people make the world go round!
whoa, i know those Lane dogs of which you speak! and that does look like Peggy Flobbins. wow.
Goodness me, that's an uncanny likeness! Gave me quite a jump.
Peg is thrilled, not only that she has a doppleganger but that she has a whole post about her all the way over in America. It almost makes up for being ignored by the lovely Daddy:-)
Incidentally, The Younger One joined Postcrossing a while back and has had some lovely cards. Maybe she'll get to send one to Kentucky (although Peg would prefer she send one to Daddy's LA home:-)
debs--yes, it's really hard on our Pegs--she's not used to being ignored. I think we all love posts about our critters--universal appeal.
janis--yes, Daddy needed to realize that he's getting to be an old man. Those LA starlets won't be nearly as attentive to him as Pegs would.
laurie--I know! Couldn't believe it when I saw that little face among the shrubbery--deadringer for Peggy F and from England also.
lane-I hope Pegs doesn't get to be too much of a diva from all this publicity. We'll have to count on Teabag to keep her from putting on airs. :-)
I hope the Younger One enjoys postcarding as much as I do. What a great idea. Right now I'm looking for a postcard about the movie "Elizabethtown"(the town where it was filmed is only and hour's drive from me)for a young postcarder from The Netherlands since this is her all-time favorite movie. I think she just loves Orlando Bloom. :-) I too hope the Younger One and I get to exchange cards.
You made me grin... how funny.
(My daughter sure enjoys her post crossings, too)
Waggle Tail from Sally (samy) here.
Sally is very excited (well inbetween her old lady naps) to be mentioned in your blog.
Your post has really cheered me up.
Thank you
Faye. Faye! This is Peg here.
Sally has been to my ... sorry ... Her blog. How brilliant is that.
Thank you for our introduction. This totally makes up for being ignored by Daddy:-)
pamela--a good dog story is the best medicine for making a flu sufferer feel better. Are you on the mend?
sarah-both Pegs and I are thrilled to hear from Sally between her old lady naps. The English Double Dogs united--how cool is that!
lane/peggy flobbins--well Daddy may not have time to friend you but Sally of Leicestershire sure did. Men! I'm not surprised are you? We must find out if Sally has a blog that she can guest post at occasionally. I see a geneology project in the works.
What great idea for a TV show! Peggy thoroughly enjoyed the week's doggy doubleness.
Btw, the new series of Spooks is airing here at the moment. I hope it makes it over to you asap.
lane--a new reality show called "Find My Family" just started up last week to replace Dancing with the Stars. Pegs and Sally could be the stars of a doggone version. :-)
Re Spooks--last night I hit paydirt. Some kind soul has uploaded Season 8 on youtube. Had to watch in 10 minute segments, but I'm not complaining as have seen through episode 6. That Sarah Caulfield is not right for Lucas, even though she is beautiful and they sizzle together. I heard skuttlebutt that there's going to be a season 9-happy, happy
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