About Me

- Faye
- Recent retiree--35 year's experience teaching reading, English, adult basic education and volunteer leadership skills. Started this blog to exchange ideas and commentary with friends and others having an interest in joining the discussions. Greatest life accomplishments include: 1.organized my 3rd grade class to check out library books for me to get around librarian's weekly limit--Amazon.com, the Mullins Elementary 3rd Grade Class of 1956 is still waiting for "thank you" notes; 2. volunteered in the Peace Corps, island of St. Kitts, West Indies; 3.taught adults to read, earn their GEDs., and speak English as a second language; 4. bought a border collie puppy for $6, got evicted rather than give him up, and began a life-long love affair with all things "Dog"; 5. joined a physical fitness boot camp in my mid-50s--don't mess with someone who's been doing regulation pushups in wet grass at 5:30 a.m.; 6. walked across Northern England with best friend Sally--over 80 miles from the Irish to North Seas; and 7. travelled to many foreign countries for pleasure and work.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wednesdays Wordless and Watery in Cherokee Park
Louisville's Cherokee and Seneca Parks has Beargrass Creek running through both. Falling leaves create watery mosaics in the creek. While along the creek banks the last of fall foliage hangs on to the trees and blankets the ground:
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, hosted by Linda at: Wordless Wednesday Again and NatureFootstep Waters at: Nature Footstep Memes
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Barn Charm despite the Power Lines
I decided to post this rather bad photo for Barn Charm this week because it illustrates a point made by one of our fellow barn enthusiasts, Tanya at Around Roanoke, that power lines are a reality in rural photography--just part of the scene. I spotted this great working barn on a recent outing to Starlight, Indiana. As you can tell, took the photo from our car window and the driver couldn't even slow down because it was in a dangerous spot. So you have blurs, too much highway, posts, and power lines galore. But the barn was great, especially with that red side shed and nice setting, so it didn't end up on the cutting floor!
Now if you'd like to participate in the Barn Charm meme, or just see some interesting "barnery" from many different places, just go to Bluff Area Daily .

Monday, October 29, 2012
Macro Monday - Falling
This week I'll end all the autumn photos with these shots of the last leaves on Baringer Hill in Louisville's beautiful Cherokee Park.
Baringer Hill is grand in any season because it sets at the highest point of Cherokee Park and is a favorite spot for walking, playing with your dog, painting/sketching, and of course photography. Plus, in the winter the long hill is the place for snow sledding. Here are a few views of the hill where bare tree branches among the last autumn foliage give a soft, muted effect:
And finally, I played with camera settings a bit to "find" still vivid fall foliage. Something for everyone!
For more closeups from all over, or to enter your own macros, be sure to check out Lisa's Chaos here every Monday.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday Fences - Bridge over Beargrass Creek
I hope our host for Friday Fences, Janis, will let me get away with this shot of Bernheim Bridge in Seneca Park for this week's "fence". I was able to capture the end of fall foliage in the park last week and wanted to share before we all get tired of seeing autumn.
Here are a few more shots of Beargrass Creek and Bernheim Bridge:
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesdays Wordless and Watery - Fall in Seneca Park
Views of Beargrass Creek from Belnap Bridge in Seneca Park. Because of the fall foliage I experimented with camera settings. Do you prefer the vivid or more natural setting?
View 1
View 2
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, hosted by Linda at: Wordless Wednesday Again and NatureFootstep Waters at: Nature Footstep Memes
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Barn Charm - Indiana Neat
Recently some friends and I drove from Louisville to Starlight, Indiana looking for fall scenery and a great lunch at Huber's Orchard and Winery. We weren't disappointed with either. On the way home I spotted this well-maintained barn and companion outbuilding. Something tells me these buildings are "lightly used!
Now if you'd like to participate in the Barn Charm meme, or just see some interesting "barnery" from many different places, just go to Bluff Area Daily .

Monday, October 22, 2012
Macro Monday - Pumpalooza!
By this time in October we all have our share of fall pumpkin, gourd, and squash photos. Here's a sampling from my collection, including these fantastic oddities:
And then there are all the mini ornamental gourds, much loved for fall decorations:
Two favorite fall partners: pumpkins and mums:
And finally, some pumpkin Americana:
For more closeups from all over, or to enter your own macros, be sure to check out Lisa's Chaos here every Monday.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Barn Charm - Starlight, Indiana
Last Friday a couple of friends and I drove from Louisville over the Ohio River to neighboring Starlight, Indiana farm country for a fall lunch at Huber's Orchard and Winery. I brought my camera, looking for autumn color and farm scenes. This old white charmer was a favorite with its window boxes and farm implements set by the barn side. The view through this tree was especially appealing for the small dark cones on the tree. (At this time of the year I wish I'd been more serious about those tree identification projects we did in grade school since have no idea what this tree is!)
Bonus photo-have any idea what this crop is? I'm saying it's sorghum--not the sweet kind used for syrups, but the grain crop used for cattle feed and ethanol production. Whatever its use, thought it was beautiful ripening in the field.
Now if you'd like to participate in the Barn Charm meme, or just see some interesting "barnery" from many different places, just go to Bluff Area Daily .

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Friday Fences - Fall on a Kentucky Horse Farm
Spotted this classic black farm fencing highlighted by rows of blazing red fall color on a drive out in the countryside this afternoon. What a striking combination with the white farm buildings.
Now for more Friday Fences go to our host Janis' site at Life According to Jan and Jer .
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Wednesdays Wordless & Watery
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, hosted by Linda at: Wordless Wednesday Again and NatureFootstep's Waters at: Nature Footstep Memes
Mid-October shrub border and lake at Bernheim Research Forest. (2011)
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, hosted by Linda at: Wordless Wednesday Again and NatureFootstep's Waters at: Nature Footstep Memes
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